
Thursday, 5 May 2011

Progression of each draft

Draft 1
Draft 2
Draft 3
Draft 4
Final Draft



Level: 1

Level: 2

Level: 2

Level: 2


·      over the shoulder shots
·      costume
·      180 rule
·   gesture
·   make up
·   facial expression
·nice point of view shot
·   build up of a storyline
·   mise en scene
·   connotations
· moods
·time passing by


·      variety of shots
·      use a tripod to film
·      characters gestures

·   more about bipolar
·   wider range of shots
·   music
·   combine pace with mood
·   disorder its not clear
·   jumping cuts
·   characters are unclear to the storyline
·   more still long shots
·   no zooming
·   no music on titles
·   wider range of shots
· more exaggeration
· music to go with the different moods
· shots of different parts of body

Filming/ Editing Targets

·      no zooming
·      use match on action
·   shaky camera
·   no zooming
·   no earthquake effect
·   hallucinations
·   could do more with the shots
·   voiceovers

·      wider range of shots
· titles – timed

·      use tripod
·      shots still shaky
·      no zooming
·      cutting pace

Changes (decisions and revisions)

·   more about bipolar
·   create a storyline
·      get rid of characters
·      music
·      establish more emotions
·      work out the timing
·      divide into different moods (bipolar)
·      exaggeration
·      music
·      wider range of shots
·      pace with moods
·      longer shot of her death

Monday, 25 April 2011

Music (research/permission)

Overall Experience of producing Final Draft

Our last draft was similar to the 4th draft however we changed some shots and used red food colouring for the blood. We  decided to not put blood on her clothes as it would not be a visible. Acting was a very good experience, as I wasn't prepared at first, but on this final draft I've came up with very exaggerated emotions, and also while filming we came up with a varity of new ideas on how to film the moods for example the character moved more around the setting when angry. Editing was easier as it was similar to our last drafts when it came to the titles with the times and how we wanted the shots to look. When editing we had an order of how the body parts would be shown at the death scene in order to creat suspense.

Opening Sequence Final Draft

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Preparation Notes for Evaluation


  1. Inspirational Films: PICTURES
    • Jennifer’s Body
Anita “Needy” character’s representation
Strong emotionally and realistic (isolated, vulnerable, weak)
    • Gattaca (form)
The use of extreme close up shots of particular subjects
    • Kidulthood
English film
Based on real issues
Targets the same audience as our production

What inspired you?
What did you take from its CONVENTIONS?
What did you take from its FORM?
Anita “Needy” character’s representation
Strong emotionally and realistic (isolated, vulnerable, weak)

The use of extreme close up shots of particular subjects.

Based on real issues
English film
Targets the same audience as our  production
Realistic issues which compares to our theme (bipolar disorder)

To reflect her feelings
Mixing different moods with different music

Different parts of her body
Extreme close ups

TITLES (times)
Showing different hours of the day

Realistic issues
Bipolar Disorder
Showing her mood swings
Exaggeration by the characters emotions
Intense character

  1. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
    • 15 to 25 years old due to BBFC’s restrictions – drugs, imitable behaviour, violence and language.
    • Teenage girls from different backgrounds.
    • Mise en scene: Average clothes in costume, simple working class bedroom. PICTURES FROM LOCATION
    • Hobbies/Interests: blackberry phones, texting, computers, music, outdoors activities.

  1. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
    • Revolver Entertainment
    • Mostly drama movies
    • “Kidulthood”  - similar to ours (target audience)
    • Based in UK

  1. Who would be your target audience for your media product (opening sequence?)  PICTURES
Age – 15 to 25 years old, according to BBFC standards - drugs, imitable behaviour, violence and language. 
Gender – Female
Ethnicity – All
Social Class – “working class” – due to mise en scene
Social Group – British youth culture, modern teenagers
Hobbies/Interest – Common youth interests (technologies, relationships)
i)        Our target audience is going to gain:
Awareness of bipolar disorder, deep knowledge into the particular topic and entertainment

5.      a) How did you address/attract your target audience?
Issue/Debate/Theme/Idea - Bipolar (common caused in teenagers, due to youth problems and own identity)
Music – Variety not too classical for older audiences. Reflects feelings of characters and draws in audience, also teenagers can relate to it.
Characters – Young (15-25) make up, costume (looks like our target audience)
Story – Informative: Get teenagers more involved with the disorder, it informs our target audience about it
Form – Fast paced effects when showing anger, to show more realistic feeling and the audience can identify themselves in that situation
Titles (the way the hours is showed, gets the audience curious about what’s happening - creating a mystery)
Convention – Using intense realistic issues to attract our audience, also by exaggerating it

b) Getting audience feedback from your target audience – ask them questions related to the above points

6.      What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? EVIDENCE
Research and Planning – powerpoint tools, embedding videos from youtube
Preliminary Task – didn’t have any editing, we improved camera shots and movements.
·         Turn imovie to quicktime
·         How to use imovie (editing tools)
·         Garage band
·         Blogger (learned to post ideas, and also to insert videos to show evidence) 

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Teacher Assesment of all drafts

Draft 1 Teacher Assesment

Draft 2 Teacher Assesment

Draft 3 Teacher Assesment

Draft 4 Teacher Assesment